
Recently I had several questions about our changes in programming moving into 2020; I just want to clarify some things and put some concerns to rest. First thing I want to say is that we’re not becoming StrongMan gym by any means. That is why we’re making a separate class altogether as a once a week kind of meet up. Our focus has been and will always be CrossFit. Yet, it’s important to understand that CrossFit does at its core incorporate Sleds as well as sandbags in the programming. You may ask yourself, “if that was the case why haven’t we always done it”. The simple answer is that we didn’t have the space in our original location, let alone the finances to facilitate it. But as we grow as a gym and a community our top concern is the development of our athletes above anything else. So myself, Marcin...
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ASDC CrossFit presents Metcon Meltdown 2019! This competition is going to push a high intensity under moderate load variances. Each workout is designed to push you mentally and physically; guaranteed to compete in 3 events as well as one Floater Wod. 15% of proceeds will go to a local animal shelter. All WODS are now posted! Head over to to register. Event Number One:7 Min Cap Complete:30 Calorie Row20 Squat Clean Thrusters (115/85 S:95/65)15 Calorie Row10 Over-Head Squats Event Number Two:​RX: 9 MIN AMRAP (Time Includes C2B)Cash In: 20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups Then: AMRAP10 Ring Dips50 Dubs14 Alternating Dumbbell Goblet Step-ups (50/35) Scaled: 9 MIN AMRAP (Time Includes JPU)Cash In: 20 Jumping Pull-Ups Then: AMRAP10 Ring Rows100 Singles14 Alternating Dumbbell Goblet Step-Ups (35/20) Event Number Three:RX: 8 MIN Cap15 Hang Power Cleans (135/75)15 Burpee Over Bar15 Toes 2 Bar10 Hang Power Cleans (155/95)10 Burpee Over Bar10 Toes 2...
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Local Cub Scout Pack Meeting Coach Brian (Seen in Maroon) is often asked to speak and educate on his views of “Bullying”; being a product of bullying himself in his youth. Born with a stuttering speech impediment he found himself the constant target of ridicule and aggression from his peers, which left him alone for most of his life. Yet through the teachings and advisement of his parents he learned how to self love, self care and self discipline to live the best life he possibly could; never letting the opinions or words of others define who he was as a person or making him a victim. He now takes any opportunity he is able to speak in public about his experiences and teach others how they too can overcome the victim mentality to lead a more fulfilling life. Also Being raised within the martial arts with an extensive background...
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Our official ASDC CrossFit holiday party is this coming Saturday from 10:00am till 12:00pm!  We’ll be having a Holiday themed workout for all of our Active members from 10-11 am followed by a party and gift exchange from 11-12:00pm that is open to all friends, family and curious people that want to see what ASDC is all about!  We’ll also be having a KIDS CrossFit event starting at 10:00 am that is open to everyone ages 5-12 🙂
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What’s your Why?   Simple question right!?  But when it comes to your training it might not always be so easy to understand or hold yourself accountable to.  As athletes we must ask ourselves what our purpose is behind our training and make sure that our efforts coincides with our purpose.  Although our “why” may change and develop with time; we must always stay true to our objectives. Now let’s say your reason behind starting CrossFit is to be more generally fit; be able to wake up with less pain, go up a flight of stairs without losing your breath or just be able to keep up with your kids or grandkids.  You have to dial in to your thoughts on what that means and what kind of training you should be participating in. CrossFit is infinitely scalable and every WOD can be adjusted to your specific needs and goals....
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