February Athlete of the Month

Congratulations Rachel for being Athlete of the Month for February! She was a part of our cliffhanger challenge that she won with a hang-off time of 3:07! She also completed the CrossFit open this past month! Here’s a little bit about Rachel “ I started CrossFit to help with the stress of life since exercise has always been my outlet. I then fell in love.
I started in 2017 but took a break in 2019 I missed it so much that I reached out to ASDC a couple of years later which wasn’t my prior box and was welcomed with open arms.
There are so many things about ASDC that I love, I can’t just name one—- the impeccable coaching, the community, and the family I have made outside of my own.
I would tell someone who is nervous to start that it’s ok to be nervous when trying something new. However, this community supports you no matter where you are physically and emotionally. It is a safe space to land.” Rachel AMAZING job this past month! Keep up the hard work!!

Cliff-Hanger challenge winner!